Monday, October 13, 2008

Filler of the week

American President Calvin Coolidge had a reputation in private of being a man of few words and was nicknamed "Silent Cal."
A possibly apocryphal story has it that Dorothy Parker, seated next to him at a dinner, said to him, "Mr. Coolidge,
I've made a bet against a fellow who said it was impossible to get more than two words out of you." His reply: "You lose."

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Business as usual I guess :D

Veel üks weekly progress report...

täitsa jube, kui vähee mul siin aega on ma ole üle nädala netti saanud... mul on siin jube raskeks läinud... valida kellega jooma minna:D:D tegin siiin vahepeal tööd saksa saatkonnas, see oli see suur päev kui saksa riik ühines... kell 2 saadeti külalised minema ja algas töötajate ja pillimeeste labrakas ma ei oska sõnadega väljendada, kuidas on panna pidu saksa pillimeestega, kui napsu ja õlle on tasuta piiramatutes kogustas, meil oli siin päris ooma oktoberfest. ma ärkasin kell 6AM LONDONIST VÄLJAS HEATHROW LENNUJAAMAS ja mu seljakott oli täis toopitud kooki:PP:P see oli üks nendest kordadest kkus ma lihtsalt naerssin enda ette pool tuundi ja siis hakkasin vaatama kuidas ma koju saan. siis käisin poola plikadega klubitamas nad jootsid mulle 6 klaasi topeltviina ilma pealekata... ma ärkasin lennujaamas-hahaha ja seekord juba teadsin kuidas sest mäletasin bus si peale istummist... ööbussid käivad siin pikendatud marsruudil, niiet see sama ture punane doubledecker kus nad öösel muideks ei ütle peauste nimesid, sõitis mööda minu peatusest(mis on kesklinnast ca. 20min kaugusel) ja vuras tunnike jagu edasi samas suunas...fucking hell. Londonis on kogu aeg labrakas, ma töötan siin ühe catering firma tarvis, mis mind iga kkord eri kohta topib, mul on natuke ropult üleliia tuttavaid:D üks ´hottelliomanik kkelle tarvis ma töötasin ostis mulle kotitäie riideid, et ma saaksin siia veel mõneks ajaks jääda ja tema hotellis tööd teha:P:P ma isegi kaalun, sest seal hotellis on hästi tore rahvas ja see iga äev eri kohas olemine vääsitab ka. vuot:D
issver pikaks läheb... sorry et pole kirjutanuud tükk aega, õigesti teed et tuletad meelde, sest ega ma mudu üldse eesti maale sõnumeid saata ei viitsi küll olen kuulnud, et inimesed juba teavad kus ma olen ja mis teed, niiet see sinu kaudu õnneksj jõuab mujale, seda et ma maha olen kärvand veel kuskilt tulnud pole:D

ole siis tubli edaspidigi ja mina üritan siin ka kuidagi eluvaimu säilitada:D ja sry jätkuvalt kõigi nende gramatiliste perversuste pärast

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Anyone out there?

Random warstory 3

Väike impro Inglise keele tunnist...

...walking into the restaurant. There were two machine guns firing from across the street at the restaurant and he just walked in. The rest of us were pinned down behind the tables. The Germans were keen to keep us from moving. Although Jane entered without getting hit, he still had to take cover behind the bar. The sergeant major sent two men to flank the machine guns, but they were mowed down immediately. So we were stuck here in the middle of Carentan, pinned down with glass breaking all around us and bullets whizzing by. Then it only got worse when we heard tank tracks and they didn't sound like a Sherman. There was a Panzer IV coming from down the street and pulled up slightly left from us. The machine guns were still keeping us down, but now the tank turret was pointed at us also. A 75mm HE shell can turn the entire restaurant into pulp real fast. We had to make a run for it and fast. 13 soldiers, including Jane, got up and got out of the restaurant...there should have been 30.
Lucky for us, the tank could serve as cover from the machine guns and there was no german infantry supporting the tank. Seconds after the last man got out, the tank fired and blew up most of the building, leaving a huge cloud of dust. We who were left, entered the building nextdoor. There were now 5 bodies on the street and we had only 8 men left. The tank now backed up and exposed his backside and engine to us. Suddenly Jane got up and ran out holding a grenade in his hand. He braved machine gun fire and climbed on the moving tank. he pulled the pin and opened the turret hatch, throwing the grenade inside. He jumped off, ran back, but was riddled with bullets and fell right there on the sidewalk. Seconds after, the tank exploded...

Jääb praegu lõpetamata ja vaevalt ta kunagi saabki lõpetatud...